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Worldwide Cybelian Movement


There are Cybelian followers in 105 countries Worldwide.

About Cybele & Cybelians


First, let me introduce myself. I was born one of five children in a poor family. Abuse was a big part of my childhood .I always felt that the abuse was deserved; and was unable to defend myself. This resulted in an guilt complex that remained with me for many years.


I got married to my first husband when I was 23. In the next seventeen years, I bore him a daughter and a son. Soon into the marriage, I discovered that he was an abusive alcoholic. Verbal, physical and sexual abuse again became part of my daily life. It seemed for me that there was no escape from abusive men. When the children were old enough, I left him.

A year or two before I left, I became a lay Carmelite nun. At the time, it helped me to cope with my daily life. As it happens, it was a good background for what I would do some years later, when I formed Cybelians. It gave me the strength that I would use later to help women in similar circumstances, and so it was time well spent.



After the abuse I suffered as a child and in my first marriage, I'd decided I would never re-marry, as I would not allow myself to be abused by another man. As it happens, in due course I met a man who I came to feel safe with - a man with a very submissive nature. He allowed me to take the lead role in things, and I discovered that the traditional male/female role could be reversed, with the female being the dominant partner. When he asked me to marry him I agreed, but on the condition that our marriage would be female-led, and that I would be free to have sex with as many other men as I wished.  Furthermore, I made him aware that I felt nothing for him, and that he would never mean any more to me than a toilet. He agreed, and so I devised a special set of marital vows, which we made to each other before the ceremony. A variation of these vows were made in front of the officiate and guests at the wedding.


I discovered that female-led marriage actually works, and works well. In my marriage I am the one in charge. I make all the important decisions, and he obeys me. This has the added-effect of removing many causes of contention, and totally ruling-out arguments. With the control I have in the marriage, I am at all times the dominant partner, whilst he is the submissive one. This extends to every aspect of our lives. At home I keep him naked & collared,  have him sleep naked on the floor at the foot of my bed, and use him every day as a toilet. He knows his place, and in his submissiveness willingly accepts it.


From the day of the wedding I have cuckolded my husband by having sex with about 1,000 other men, many of them fucking me bareback. These days I've slowed down a lot. I don't allow my husband to have sex with me himself, so he is constantly masturbating. I occasionally enjoy watching other men have sex with him.


After a while of being married, I decided that if this type of marriage worked for me, then it would work also for other women, provided they could find similarly submissive men. I decided to form Cybelians to help women find marriages and relationships of this nature. It would also help abused women to gain control of their lives.


In the normal course of events, discerning a prospective partner's personality is a lengthy and arduous process. It is called dating. Unfortunately, initial impressions often prove to be false. Many women have found that the sweet man they married is in fact an aggressive, mean-spirited individual. By that time, it is too late to do anything about it other than eventually escape. As these type of men usually control the marital  finances, it is very difficult for the woman to escape the marriage.


I concluded that what was needed in the World was an organisation comprised entirely of women who did not want marriage with Alpha males, and men who were content to be the submissive partner in a female-led relationship. This led directly to the formation of the Cybelian Movement, and resulted in a Worldwide membership both of women wanting female-led marriages and men content to be the secondary partner.


Cybelian members are evenly divided between women and men in everyday female-led relationships, and those who also adopt various elements of FemDom (female domination) in their marriages - involving marital practices which do not suit everyone. Whichever form the marriage takes it is the wife's decision, although it is decided before the wedding.


Today we have members in 100 different countries throughout the World. It is the fastest growing movement of it's kind in history, and before long we will have members in every country in the World.


I am every woman who was weak, and now is strong.

I am every woman who has felt lost, but since found herself.

I am every downtrodden woman, who crawled out from under.

I am every woman who has achieved superiority over the male.

I am every woman who will never again allow a man to rule her.

I am every woman who has taken control over her life.

I am every woman who rules her marriage completely.

I am every woman no longer tied sexually to just one man.

I am every woman whose man is totally submissive to her.

I am every woman who likes herself for who and what she is.

I am you. You are me. Together we are Cybele.

I am Cybele
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